Dream weather

Easter nest hunt with up to 25 degrees and sunshine

24.03.2024 12:06

This year's Easter nest hunt will be warm in early summer! Temperatures of up to 25 degrees are expected on Holy Saturday. And it will also be very mild and sunny on Easter Sunday - only Sahara dust will cloud the blue sky.

According to the weather experts at UBIMET, the week will start off cool and unsettled. While a maximum of 15 degrees will be reached on Monday, temperatures will climb up to 18 degrees on Tuesday. It will be cloudy, with Saharan dust drifting across the country and creating hazy conditions.

Clouds will also dominate on Wednesday, but it will remain largely dry. In the evening, however, rain showers will spread to large parts of the country. While it will remain quite cool in the west, temperatures of up to 20 degrees are expected in the east.

Maundy Thursday will start cloudy and wet in the east, with a widespread mix of sun and clouds in the morning. Highs will be between 11 and 20 degrees.

On Good Friday, it will be foehn again and temperatures will continue to rise. On Holy Saturday, early summer temperatures of up to 25 degrees will be within reach in the northern Alps for the first time this year.

Easter Sunday will also be mostly sunny and very mild for the time of year on the northern side of the Alps and in the east, although Saharan dust will once again cause hazy conditions. With the high temperatures, the main birch blossom is also imminent and allergy sufferers must be prepared for high levels of stress.

Extreme temperature differences at Easter
It was also exceptionally warm at Easter in the year 2000, when a summery 29 degrees was reached in Salzburg on April 23. The contrast was again in 2013, when just two degrees were measured in Vienna on 31 March.

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