Demand continues to rise

1600 skilled workers in training in the vast country

23.03.2024 06:00

AMS balance sheet in the wide country shows: Employees in technology are currently in high demand. A general increase of 2.3 percent was recorded for training participants.

You're never too old to learn. This is Martin Kotrba's motto. At the age of 56, the trained baker and catering employee dared to start a new career. After a year of intensive training, the Mostviertel native is starting over as a care assistant at the Caritas residential home in Raxendorf.

Retraining for his dream job
"It was always my dream job. I am very grateful to be able to work in this field in the future," explains the 56-year-old happily. This was made possible and financed by the specialist training offered by the Public Employment Service. He received advice and support from MAG Menschen und Arbeit GmbH during his job-related training in the care sector.

Skilled workers in the care sector are in great demand. (Bild: Berger Susi)
Skilled workers in the care sector are in great demand.

Young mother Nicole Schuster benefited from training as a gas, plumbing and heating technician. The former cashier from the Tulln district took her chance to train in the technical field at the Dillinger company as part of the FIT program. After completing her apprenticeship in August, she will be offered a permanent position. "I'm doing really well," says the 29-year-old.

Unemployment continues to rise
It is currently clear that as unemployment rises, the shortage of skilled workers is also increasing. "That's not a contradiction," explains AMS Managing Director Sandra Kern. "Our goal is to sustainably integrate 1,600 customers into the labor market this year by training them as skilled workers," says Kern. Easily accessible information on training courses and advice on training and further education from the AMS should help with this.

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