Pop, Stelze & Beer

Vienna Prater season gets into full swing

23.03.2024 11:00

The Prater is also kicking off the season with new features away from the rides, such as a "pop festival" at Madame Tussauds and even more sustainability than before in Kolarik's Luftburg.

The greatest concentration of international pop stars in one place this spring is certainly in the Prater: Lady Gaga, CRO and Katy Perry have been joined by Pharrell Williams, Ariana Grande and Demi Lovato - at Madame Tussauds, in a revamped music area of the wax figure show.

More "surprises" announced
To create a real pop festival feeling, there will also be a "chill-out area" for guests, but above all plenty of opportunities to join in. With props and special background decorations, photos are provided that steal the show from the stars. The pop festival in the Prater lasts until the end of June, but is not intended to be a one-off event. The Vienna branch of Madame Tussauds promises "surprises" from other genres in the months that follow.

Paul and Bianca Kolarik with their EU award as the best organic restaurant in Europe (Bild: Luftburg)
Paul and Bianca Kolarik with their EU award as the best organic restaurant in Europe

When Brussels brings two Viennese together
For refreshments after the show, the restaurants in the Prater are a good choice. For those who value sustainability and organic quality, the Luftburg has been the preferred destination for years. The Luftburg is not only officially the best organic restaurant in the EU, but has now joined forces with another award winner: "Wiener Gusto", the city's organic brand, which also won an award in Brussels and can be recognized by the new wine list with organic wines from Cobenzl.

Those who prefer a beer with their organic stilton can also try something new: Gösser's "Biostoff" is now served on tap at the Luftburg. The beer is not only made from 100 percent organic ingredients, but is also brewed using renewable energy. And even those who don't like beer or wine have been catered for: the children's play area has been redesigned.

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