Only a matter of time

Ghost house owner alarmed, demolition is coming

22.03.2024 13:00

"It's only a matter of time before something terrible happens": This warning from a family man in the "Krone" also startled the owner of the property, who spends most of the year going about his business in Dubai. Now there has been an inspection with the mayor - with clear results!

Children playing on rotten roofs, young people using decaying buildings as an adventure playground and meeting place: "It's only a matter of time before something terrible happens!", a family father sounded the alarm after a hike around the Seefeld Wildsee lake via "Krone". The "Waldruh" guesthouse and two neighboring houses on the same owner's property are located directly on the shore on the busy promenade around the lake - an eyesore, and not a harmless one at that.

Left to decay for 30 years
The "Krone" reports have now even startled the owner - an Austrian entrepreneur who is often in Dubai on business. He contacted the mayor of Reither, Dominik Hiltpolt, last week and asked for a meeting. This took place on Wednesday at the site of the incident. It was apparently the owner's first visit in many years. The buildings on his 5,000 square meter property by the lake have been derelict for more than 30 years.

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During the conversation, I explained the municipality's position to the owner and that the situation cannot continue as it is.

Dominik Hiltpolt, Bürgermeister Reith bei Seefeld

No imminent danger
The inspection of the property, which is home to three former tourist businesses, lasted one and a half hours. "During the inspection of the buildings, it was established that although the buildings are visually in a desolate condition due to years of vacancy, no potential danger to people could be identified either outside or inside," reported Mayor Hiltpolt.

Common tenor: "Demolition is unavoidable"
"In the conversation, I explained to the owner the municipality's position that the condition cannot continue as it is, as the building fabric will continue to deteriorate and the townscape in the popular local recreation area directly on the Wildsee will suffer massively. Before any real dangers arise here and the place continues to be frequented by vandals, it was agreed after a constructive discussion that demolition of the buildings is unavoidable and that the owner will take appropriate steps quickly," reports the village chief.

Village chief expects activities this year
However, it is also a fact that a total demolition will cost a lot of money. Hiltpolt does not dare to give an estimate of how much. However, a subsidy from the municipality is not an issue, after all, the site is a private matter. Just like a possible sale. However, this was not an issue at the meeting.

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