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Full program for Pope on Holy and Easter days

24.03.2024 11:32

Despite his failing health, 87-year-old Pope Francis intends to preside over all celebrations from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. The Way of the Cross at the Colosseum is also on his official, busy schedule.

The Pope already presided over Palm Sunday Mass on March 24. 25,000 faithful had gathered in the Vatican to have olive branches blessed and to listen to the words of the Christian leader. But they were disappointed: due to hoarseness, the Pope decided not to give the sermon.

The ailing Francis has a busy program ahead of him: according to the Vatican, he will lead the celebration of the Easter Vigil on Saturday (30 March, 7.30 p.m.) in St. Peter's Basilica. On Sunday (March 31), he will celebrate the Easter service in St. Peter's Square from 10 am. Afterwards, he will give the worldwide blessing "Urbi et orbi" from the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica.

The atmospheric highlight of the Holy Days in Rome - the Stations of the Cross in the Colosseum on the evening of Good Friday (March 29, 9.15 p.m.) - is also scheduled in the papal calendar.

In front of tens of thousands of people, Pope Francis gave the blessing "Urbi et Orbi" ("to the city and the world") on Easter Sunday in Rome in 2023. (Bild: AP)
In front of tens of thousands of people, Pope Francis gave the blessing "Urbi et Orbi" ("to the city and the world") on Easter Sunday in Rome in 2023.

Last year, anti-war Pope Francis canceled this event due to bronchitis and the relatively cool temperatures in Rome at the time. His cancellation came just a few hours before the start of the Way of the Cross. However, he took part in the other celebrations.

Voice ailing, staff read texts
The Pope has been suffering from the effects of flu for more than three weeks. He has nevertheless been attending public appointments and appearances, with Vatican staff reading the texts for him. Due to his illness, Francis is currently having problems giving long speeches.

Dense program since Maundy Thursday
The Pope's pre-Easter program began on Palm Sunday (24 March, 10 a.m.) with a service in St. Peter's Square. This was followed on Maundy Thursday morning (March 28, 9.30 a.m.) by the so-called Chrism Mass in St. Peter's Basilica, during which the oils for baptism, confirmation and anointing of the sick are consecrated.

Afterwards, Francis wanted to wash the feet of female inmates in a prison in Rome. The washing of feet in remembrance of Jesus' Last Supper is a tradition in the Catholic Church.

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