Graz hotelier:

“So Mur remains the boundary between rich and poor”

21.03.2024 06:30

The mega construction site in the center of Graz has been causing a regular stir for more than a year. Now the well-known hotelier Florian Weitzer steps into the ring and makes serious accusations against the three-party coalition of KPÖ, Greens and SPÖ. He sees the redesign of the cityscape as a blatant discrimination against the right-hand side of the Mur.

The Mur as a border. The river has always separated the rich left side of the city from the less privileged right side in the provincial capital. Despite all efforts, this historical legacy is still present in the minds of many people in Graz. "And it seems that politicians and building authorities still have little interest in making progress on this side of the Mur," says Florian Weitzer, shaking his head.

"Lovingly over there, lovelessly here"
With the "Wiesler", the "Weitzer" and subsequently also the "Daniel", the hotelier runs three traditional establishments on the right bank. His resentment is directed at the major construction site to relieve congestion in the city center. But not because of inconveniences such as regular traffic jams, noise pollution or restricted accessibility, "because that's part and parcel of a project of this size," says the man from Graz. "My concern is that everything on our side will simply be concreted over after the construction site, while Neutorgasse will become a real promenade on the other side. The paving there is beautiful and the surface is being significantly upgraded, but on our side they obviously want to save money. Lovingly over there, lovelessly here."

In Neutorgasse, the paving work is progressing rapidly. (Bild: Christian Jauschowetz)
In Neutorgasse, the paving work is progressing rapidly.

In his view, the Communists, Greens and Socialists are also breaking an election promise. "They promised voters that the Mur would no longer be a border river in future. But the opposite is now the case. The border is now even more clearly visible. Every opportunity has been missed to ensure that the Mura is seen as a connecting river. Even though tens of millions of euros are being spent on this project."

Schwentner does not want unequal treatment
The responsible deputy mayor Judith Schwentner (Greens) emphasizes to the "Krone" that it is extremely important to her "that no difference is made in the quality of construction between the two banks of the Mur". She refers to the Lendplatz conversion or Annenstraße. "We are also developing the Gries district, which has been neglected for decades, into the future as a whole with the planned Line 8."

Judith Schwentner explains the conversion of Neutorgasse. (Bild: Sepp Pail)
Judith Schwentner explains the conversion of Neutorgasse.

According to Schwentner, wider sidewalks will also be built on the right-hand side of the Mur on the Neutor line and the entire area will be upgraded with trees, green spaces and seating. With regard to the pavement, Schwentner is currently examining what is possible and affordable in view of the world heritage zone.

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