SPÖ proposal

Money for schools instead of renovating offices

20.03.2024 09:00

The SPÖ is sparking a new debate about the upcoming but difficult-to-finance renovation of schools in Upper Austria: instead of renovating the Landhaus, public funds should be used to build schools. The ÖVP speaks of a comparison of apples and pears and criticizes the proposal.

It is a sensitive issue that SPOÖ Chairman and Provincial Councillor Michael Lindner is attacking: according to government resolutions, up to €65 million has been spent on the renovation of provincial buildings - specifically the Landhaus as the seat of the provincial government and neighboring buildings - since 2021. In comparison: €22.1 million has been budgeted for the refurbishment of compulsory schools in the current year, calculates the red man.

300 million euros for 143 school projects in the state
Lindner told the "Krone" newspaper: "Since the state election, enormous sums have been invested in construction and renovation projects, the necessity of which is not always clear if a number of old schools have to be renovated at the same time." According to a response to an inquiry by the responsible Deputy Governor Christine Haberlander (ÖVP) from October 2023, 143 school construction projects are open or earmarked - for example in Aurach, Eferding, Kirchschlag and Neumarkt. These 143 projects alone have a financing volume of almost €300 million.

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Since the state election, enormous sums have been invested in construction measures and renovations, the necessity of which is not always clear when a number of old schools have to be renovated at the same time.

(Bild: Horst Einöder/Flashpictures)

SPOÖ-Vorsitzender und Landesrat Michael Lindner

Lindner asked whether prestige projects in the state parliament were being given priority over school renovations. "At €22 million, the annual school construction budget is even lower than it was ten years ago. I am therefore calling for all renovations in the Landhaus that are not necessary in terms of construction and safety to be postponed and for the priority to be shifted towards the school construction projects that have been announced."

Education officer Christine Haberlander (ÖVP) counters: "Weighing up the refurbishment of official buildings against school refurbishments is comparing apples with pears. Both have their justification and both have to be done when necessary."

Ein halbherziger SPÖ-Vorschlag

It is a lot of money that goes into the renovation of the Landhaus and is missing for the renovation of schools. The criticism of the country's top red man is also justified. After all, the youngest children in the country do not deserve to be taught in dilapidated buildings. Nor, for that matter, do civil servants and politicians deserve to work under broken roofs.

Lindner's proposal is half-hearted. In March 2023 and March 2024, the state government released EUR 58.2 million for the renovation of the government quarter in Linz. The SPÖ provincial councillor agreed to this...

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