Lack of solidarity

German gas surcharge costs us 100 million

18.03.2024 05:59

Last year, Germany introduced a gas storage surcharge due to the decline in Russian gas imports and low storage levels. This massively increased the price of gas for Austria and cost consumers and companies 100 million euros.

The gas levy introduced by Germany - it is part of the German "Gas Emergency Plan" - not only makes it more difficult to phase out Russian gas, it also makes gas more expensive overall. The German surcharge costs Austrian consumers and companies more than 100 million euros per year. The EU Commission has already sharply criticized this approach, and Italy has recently refrained from imposing such a levy for reasons of solidarity.

"Europe must stand together against Putin"
In the fight against inflation, Neos is calling for an end to the German gas surcharge and measures from the Austrian government. Energy spokesperson Karin Doppelbauer: "Chancellor Nehammer and Energy Minister Gewessler are called upon to hold their German counterparts Scholz and Habeck to account. The Austrian government must use its voice at EU level to take action against additional burdens and act in the interests of Austrian citizens. Only together can we implement the EU internal market for energy, make energy cheaper for consumers and become independent of Putin."

Robert Habeck and Leonore Gewessler at the Simmering power plant (Bild: Klemens Groh)
Robert Habeck and Leonore Gewessler at the Simmering power plant

According to Doppelbauer, the Austrian Greens are only half-heartedly pushing ahead with the phase-out of Russian gas anyway: "And their German party friends, of all people, are making an end to Putin's gas dictate in Austria even more expensive. Gewessler must put pressure on Habeck to lower the price of gas and make life more affordable for people again."

What does the German gas levy mean
What does the German gas storage levy mean for Austria? Due to the decline in Russian gas imports and the low storage levels, Germany declared a gas emergency plan alert in 2023 and introduced a gas storage levy. In Italy, a similar levy in the form of a "neutrality charge" on exports is currently being considered. Due to the import of gas from both countries, Austria is directly affected by the additional costs incurred.

The gas storage levy has risen steadily and now amounts to EUR 1.86/MWh for the period from January to June 2024. The increase in the gas storage levy from EUR 1.45/MWh previously was justified by the lower gas consumption, to which the costs already incurred must be allocated.

The gas is now flowing in the other direction
This gas storage levy is also charged for gas exported to Austria, which costs Austria's market participants - and subsequently end customers - around 115 million. The western Austrian federal states in particular are directly affected, as they are supplied exclusively via the German gas grid. However, the gas storage levy also has an impact in other parts of Austria. In the past, gas tended to flow in the opposite direction, namely from Russia via Ukraine to Slovakia and Austria and on to Italy and Germany.

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