"Schneider's glasses"


18.03.2024 08:30

"Krone" columnist Robert Schneider puts himself in the shoes of a writer on a "rampage" and tries to understand the excitement surrounding graffiti like this - but he has his problems with it ...

"That's off! Just take a marker, go to the toilet and write: rampage. Add a date next to it. Write ... well, what do I write? ... 20. 3. sounds good. Do you spell Amoklauf with a "ck" or not? Man, that tingles. I'm secretly becoming famous. It's a great feeling. I just can't let on now. Throw the marker in a garbage can somewhere outside the school grounds. Because of the fingerprints. They're not stupid either. Should I take a quick photo? No. They'll probably bag all the cell phones and look and look. Better not to take a photo.

The connoisseur remains silent. Whew, that tingles! Let's see what happens over the next few days. And just keep your mouth shut! One thing's for sure - there's no school on March 20. What do you think the principal's ass will be sweating under his armpits! He deserves that too ..."

Over the past few weeks, a kind of "Kompetischn" has broken out at local secondary schools and grammar schools, along the lines of: threaten a little and then see what happens. The widespread reporting of these incidents in the media seems to be fueling and driving this "Kompetischn". Directors are on high alert. After all, we have read terrible things about American high schools.

The phones in the secretariats are ringing off the hook. "Is my son or daughter safe? You are responsible! I wouldn't want to be in your shoes!" Tens of police officers are searching the school grounds. Investigations and interviews take place. Everyone just makes everyone even crazier. Something has to be done. Surveillance cameras in all the toilets! It will be difficult because of personal rights. What are we supposed to do then?

The morons who write "rampage" on the wall are one thing. But the other is the media, which are at least as weak-minded and can't cover such incidents widely enough.

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