Eating disorder and panic

Ski jumping jewel has had enough: “Didn’t know what to do”

15.03.2024 17:19

Dominik Peter has retired from the Ski Jumping World Cup at the age of 22. The third-placed athlete at the 2021 Junior World Championships was once regarded as a Swiss beacon of hope. However, he gradually collapsed under the pressure of professional sport. He has now opened up about the background to panic attacks and eating disorders.

"When I woke up in the morning during the season, my eyes would go black," Peter recalls to Blick. A warning sign that the ski jumper ignored for a long time. At the age of 14, the Swiss athlete realized that weight was a key issue in ski jumping.

That's when the problems began. "I was shocked at how thin they all were," recalls the former young hopeful. He changed his diet and cut out breakfast and dinner. This development was exacerbated in the ski jumping team. Weight checks were carried out again and again.

"Scars will probably never heal"
"The number on the scales drove me crazy. I woke up every morning with a fear inside me," says Peter. Even today, the sight of a scale would send a cold shiver down his spine: "These scars will probably never heal completely." The panic attacks from back then are deeply ingrained.

He was repeatedly plagued by binge eating. "I stuffed myself with everything I could find. My brain was going crazy," explains Peter. This was also the case shortly before leaving for the 2023 World Cup in Slovenia. He subsequently missed out on qualifying and suffered a nervous breakdown in his hotel room: "I sat on my bed and didn't know what to do next," recalls the 22-year-old.

Killian Peier (left) and Dominik Peter (Bild: APA/AFP/GABRIEL MONNET)
Killian Peier (left) and Dominik Peter

He talked to his parents and his mental coach and decided to take some time out. He didn't tell them about his eating disorder. He couldn't trust anyone, explains the Swiss athlete. Since then, Peter has not competed in any more competitions and has now decided that he will not return to professional sport.

A new program
The 22-year-old sought medical help after his nervous breakdown. The psychologist finally banned him from any contact with a scale. With the help of hypnosis, he was supposed to find his way back to a normal life. The Swiss man eventually gained ten kilos and, according to his own statements, feels much better.

In hindsight, he has come to terms with what happened. Even though the statements made by the coaches regarding his weight at the time would have weighed heavily on him. Meanwhile, Swiss Ski has responded to cases of eating disorders and launched the "Fuel 2.0" program. This offers athletes help with a balanced energy intake. "For Swiss Ski, the health of the athletes always has top priority," explained the association with regard to the issue.

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