Vienna also joins in

Ludwig in favor of gun ban zones throughout Austria

13.03.2024 12:07

After Interior Minister Gerhard Karner spoke out in favor of "no-knife zones" in public spaces on Tuesday, Michael Ludwig also spoke out to the "Krone" newspaper on Wednesday. The Mayor of Vienna is also in favor of gun ban zones and is in favor of an Austria-wide regulation.

Ludwig emphasized on the fringes of the Vienna SPÖ retreat that he had already spoken out in favour of tightening the laws nationwide in 2019, when gun ban zones were introduced in Vienna on the Danube Canal and at Praterstern. Now, not only gun ban zones, but also stricter access to weapons and regular checks should be discussed - in terms of compliance with regulations as well as "mental fitness".

"Nobody is taking weapons away from hunters"
There have to be exceptions, of course, because "no one is taking weapons away from hunters", says Ludwig. Traditional clubs and groups that carry weapons for professional reasons should also be considered by law. "Of course, butter knives are also exempt - there just need to be clear legal provisions so that the police can enforce them." But you don't have to "start from scratch: It already exists in other countries."

"I can't see why anyone would be out and about in public with a firearm or a stabbing weapon. More weapons do not mean more security, but more insecurity," said Ludwig, referring to the USA and the high number of firearm victims there. Incidentally, he does not own a gun himself. The most dangerous thing he owns in this respect is "a steak knife at home". He demands "no tolerance for violence, and certainly not for violence against children and women".

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It is bizarre that parties are accusing Vienna of integration failure when they have been politically responsible for this at federal level for years.

Wiens Bürgermeister Michael Ludwig

"Are not the ones who regulate asylum and immigration"
Ludwig parried opposition criticism that the recent acts of violence against women in Vienna were evidence of a "failure of integration" in Vienna by referring to the responsibilities under federal law: "All issues relating to immigration, asylum and integration are the responsibility of the federal government. We in the city are dealing with the situation - but we are not the ones who regulate asylum and immigration. We are just trying to deal as best we can with the situation we are put in." Although efforts are being made towards integration, we are ultimately still "co-pilots", said Ludwig.

Karner in favor of "no-knife zones"
After the authorities have recorded a significant increase in violence and assaults with stabbing weapons over the past ten years, Interior Minister Karner (ÖVP) spoke out in favor of "knife ban zones" in an interview with "Krone".
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