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Massacre in a brothel: first photos from a night of horror

11.03.2024 16:12

At 8:55 p.m. on February 23, a young Afghan entered a brothel in Vienna's Brigittenau district. A short time later, three sex workers were dead. The 27-year-old had stabbed the victims almost 100 times. For the first time, the "Krone" now has a reconstruction of the gruesome attacks and pictures of the crime. But who is Ebadullah A. really?

"God punished me. He punished me with my own knife. Look at my hands." By the time these words are uttered during police questioning, the 27-year-old Afghan has already literally butchered three Chinese women in a Viennese Asian studio. Forensic medicine counted 96 stabs in the victims. So violent that the weapon broke off at the tip.

A. handcuffed on a stretcher after arrest. He cuts his own right hand during the crime. (Bild: zVg)
A. handcuffed on a stretcher after arrest. He cuts his own right hand during the crime.
"Emi" (46) was murdered. (Bild: zVg)
"Emi" (46) was murdered.

The "Krone" now has a reconstruction of the attack and pictures of the crime. A. had cut his own right hand during the attack - after his arrest he was taken away on a stretcher (see photo).

A. had a total of three knives with him that night. The Afghan stabbed himself with one of them. One of the victims: "Emi" (46). She, the studio manager and another sex worker will not leave the establishment alive that night.

The perpetrator had several knives with him. He stabbed with the lower one until the tip broke off. (Bild: zVg)
The perpetrator had several knives with him. He stabbed with the lower one until the tip broke off.

Only one other woman survived, she was able to lock herself in a room in time. However, the screams of her colleague's death will probably haunt her for the rest of her life.

Dropped out of university and left home
But who was this man who killed in a bloodlust that evening? And what drove him to commit this horrific act? Ebadullah A. was originally from Afghanistan. After the Taliban came to power, he is said to have dropped out of his computer science studies in his home country and fled to Austria via Turkey and the Western Balkans route at the end of 2021.

Candles in front of the Erotik-Asia-Studio - three women died here. (Bild: Klemens Groh)
Candles in front of the Erotik-Asia-Studio - three women died here.

"Must wage jihad against the enemy"
He "then read the Koran and learned that I have to wage jihad against the enemy". For him, prostitutes were "under the monument of Satan". Weeks before the explosion of violence, A.'s mental state is said to have deteriorated drastically. On February 23, he finally entered the Asia Studio after visiting a mosque ...

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