Gall took 9th place

“The form would have given a little more”

10.03.2024 20:23

Austria's cycling hero Felix Gall finished the Paris-Nice long-distance race with a satisfactory result. The East Tyrolean improved to ninth place overall on the difficult final stage around Nice. The big goal for the Decathlon AG2R captain is the Tour de France in July.

Superstar Remco Evenepoel set off the expected fireworks on the final day to snatch overall victory in the Paris-Nice long-distance race after all. With 47 kilometers to go, the Belgian broke away from the group of favourites at the foot of the Côte de Peille, in the end only Matteo Jorgenson was able to follow the 24-year-old to the finish. The US boy thus secured the yellow jersey. "Matteo is the deserved winner. I went all-in three times. He was the only one who could follow," congratulated stage winner Evenepoel.

Felix Gall fought his way to the finish in eighth place on the uphill and downhill ride around Nice, Austria's cycling hero improved to ninth place overall in the World Tour race: "It was my first Paris-Nice. The top 10 was my goal. I'm happy with this place."

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More would have been possible on one or two stages. But this is also a learning process

Rad-Star Felix Gall

The Decathlon captain is now taking a break from competition to prepare for the Tour of the Basque Country (starting April 1). The East Tyrolean climber will also analyze Paris-Nice in detail: "The form would have been a bit better. More would have been possible on one or two stages. But this is also a learning process."

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