"His decision"

Wolff would “love” to get Verstappen

10.03.2024 12:06

Is there something going on between Max Verstappen and Mercedes after all? "I would love to have him," said Mercedes team boss Toto Wolff after Verstappen's commanding victory in Jeddah. Even though Verstappen has a contract with Red Bull until 2028.

For the rumor mill in the premier class, such statements act as an accelerant. Especially as Mercedes is looking for a successor to Lewis Hamilton, who is leaving the Silver Arrows for Ferrari at the end of the season. When asked whether Verstappen was the top target, Wolff replied: "That's a decision that Max has to make. There is no team that wouldn't do handstands to have him in the car," Wolff said of Verstappen.

The car first
The long-term team boss from Vienna hinted that there is no rush to name the driver line-up for 2025. "First we have to get our car in order." Wolff said that the current drivers Hamilton and George Russell were owed this. Meanwhile, Red Bull's star designer Adrian Newey is reportedly being courted intensively by Ferrari.

"I see no reason why anyone should leave this team," countered RB team boss Christian Horner. The overwhelming success of recent years is the best argument for this, he believes. Verstappen has won 19 of the last 20 Grand Prix and is likely to be unstoppable on his way to a fourth title in a row. Aide Sergio Pérez secured the second double victory for Red Bull in the second race of the season in Saudi Arabia ahead of Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc.

Horner: "Exceptionally high standard"
"As a team, we are performing to an exceptionally high standard. And we expect that to continue," said Horner. However, the Briton added that anyone who no longer wanted to play their part and leave would not be forced to stay by Red Bull.

Christian Horner (Bild: APA/AFP/ANDREJ ISAKOVIC)
Christian Horner

Horner's incessant calls in Jeddah for a conclusion to the affair were in vain. "I think it's a bit too late for that now. If that's what he wants, fine. But I don't think that's possible," Verstappen's father Jos said via the Daily Mail and once again suggested that Horner should step down: "I've already said that there will be problems if he stays."

Verstappen's triumphant drives are currently still acting as cement for the increasingly fragile structure. "I've always said that the most important thing is that we work together as a team and everyone keeps the peace. We can all agree on that. Hopefully that will be completely the case from now on," said the Dutchman after his ninth Grand Prix win in a row this season, the 100th podium finish of his high-flying career.

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