Closure decided

Parents and the district are now taking to the barricades

09.03.2024 16:20

A small municipal kindergarten at Bauernfeldgasse 5 in Döbling is to be closed in the summer - due to structural defects. Parents and the district are up in arms against this.

Free kindergarten places are often in short supply in Vienna, especially in the immediate neighborhood. Nevertheless, the small but excellent location at Bauernfeldgasse 5 (Vienna 19) is to be closed. Much to the annoyance of parents and children. "We have been promised places in other facilities, but they are further away and will eventually be lost to other families," said one father to "Krone".

Investments are not worthwhile
The current situation: from the summer, the municipal kindergarten will be closed due to structural defects. Extensive investments would no longer be worthwhile. The parents do not want to simply accept this and have started a petition to preserve the location. Over 500 signatures were collected within just a few weeks.

District will cover the costs
The district is also not prepared to accept the closure so easily. Several motions were passed unanimously in the district parliament. The district is in favor of covering the necessary investments from its own budget if necessary. District head Daniel Resch: "We are spending around four million euros on schools and kindergartens in the district this year. If there is a way to keep the Bauernfeldgasse site, I will personally work with my colleagues in the district council to achieve this." The aim is to keep the nursery school at all costs - and money will be spent on it.

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