Adjournment demanded

Short trial start for Vienna attack

05.03.2024 10:35

The trial for the shooting attack in Vienna city center on November 2, 2020 must be repeated. There are more than just major teething problems at the start of the trial in Vienna's provincial court. The trial is adjourned after just 20 minutes.

Judicial guards and constitutional protection get into position, the large jury courtroom fills up with members of the press. Only the defense lawyer for the second defendant is missing. He had swapped appointments, but could be here in 20 minutes. The start of the new terror trial against supporters of the Vienna attacker is therefore delayed.

Murder conviction already final
Three of the terror supporters already convicted of contributing to the murder have to stand trial again. The convictions for terrorist association and criminal organization were overturned by the Supreme Court due to procedural errors. However, it is certain that the three men contributed to the Vienna attack on November 2, 2020.

Two defendants demand adjournment after ten minutes
But even when the second defendant's counsel finally arrives, the trial gets off to a bumpy start: he would not have been able to meet with his client in advance and a visit to the prison was not planned until Tuesday. The man's defense lawyer of choice had resigned at short notice - there was nothing more he could have done for him. After a brief discussion, an adjournment was requested.

And the client of lawyer Rudolf Mayer also argued for a new date: Because he did not have access to the file, he was unable to prepare for the new trial. So the judge follows the request of the convicted terrorists - the trial is adjourned until Thursday.

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