"Never say never"

“Hinti” will soon be a dad and talks about a comeback

28.02.2024 19:45

Martin Hinteregger is currently only quietly thinking about a return to professional soccer. The former team player is enjoying his private life much more. He has a happy event coming up: his sweetheart Corina is heavily pregnant.

The surprise among Austrian soccer fans was huge when Martin Hinteregger announced the end of his career in 2022 completely unannounced. The defender was then loaned out by Eintracht Frankfurt to Carinthian fifth-division club Sirnitz, where he now works as a player-coach.

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I'll be out of contract in six months, I'll have a word with Eintracht Frankfurt.

Martin Hinteregger

Recently, however, "Hinti" drew attention to himself with a statement - during a press conference at Wiener Viktoria, where he acts as president: "Of course the thought of a professional comeback comes up sometimes. But when I do, I do it properly!" And the Carinthian continued: "I'm fit, I have the potential for our Bundesliga. If I trained really professionally for two or three months, I'd also be good enough for the German league."

The end of April is the time
Hinteregger has now elaborated on his statements in the "Krone": "I haven't planned a comeback yet, I don't intend to and I'm not planning that far ahead - but I don't know, never say never. I'll be contract-free in six months' time and will talk to Eintracht Frankfurt."

And all this in the midst of upcoming baby happiness! Because "Hinti" will soon be the father of a baby girl - his sweetheart Corina Moser (who once played soccer herself in the women's national league for St. Veit) is heavily pregnant. The due date is the end of April.

"Corina would come with me everywhere - but the professional comeback project is probably too cool for me to do it for real!"

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