Half the family lost

After cable car drama: boy receives 3 million euros

27.02.2024 09:26

The now nine-year-old Israeli boy who was the only survivor of the cable car accident on Mount Mottarone on Lake Maggiore in 2021 will receive more than three million euros in compensation. The boy's lawyer will therefore withdraw his application for admission as a civil claimant in the criminal proceedings.

The damages will be paid by the South Tyrolean cable car company Leitner and Reale Mutua, the insurance company of the cable car operator "Ferrovie del Mottarone" and the defendants, Italian media reported.

(Bild: AP, Krone KREATIV)

Boy lost a large part of his family
The cable car accident on 23 May 2021 claimed the lives of 14 people, including the surviving boy's father, mother, brother and maternal great-grandparents. For months, the child was at the center of a bitter custody battle between the paternal and maternal sides of his family. The child was then entrusted to his paternal aunt.

Eitan (front) with his parents and brother, all of whom he lost in the cable car tragedy (Bild: AP, zVg, Krone KREATIV)
Eitan (front) with his parents and brother, all of whom he lost in the cable car tragedy
The cable car accident on 23 May 2021 claimed the lives of 14 people, including the surviving boy's father, mother, brother and maternal great-grandparents. (Bild: APA/AFP/MIGUEL MEDINA)
The cable car accident on 23 May 2021 claimed the lives of 14 people, including the surviving boy's father, mother, brother and maternal great-grandparents.

Agreements already reached in some cases
Six people have been charged in the trial for the cable car accident on Lake Maggiore, including three representatives of the Leitner company. An agreement on compensation was already reached in January between the Leitner company and the 76 relatives of the 14 victims of the tragedy. Neither the amount nor the content of the agreement was made public.

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