Mother was also at home

02.02.2024 12:39

A 19-year-old boy and his 41-year-old mother are in the dock in Vienna's Landl district. It is about a crime that, according to the public prosecutor's office, took place on the night of November 27, 2022 in the Viennese apartment where the two lived together. And its genesis is reminiscent of the tragic Leonie case.

The victim: a girl who had just turned 13, who was not averse to taking drugs and kept running away from home. She was already high on benzos - when she met the accused Serb and his 22-year-old co-defendant friend in a park, against whom no trial could be held on Friday due to illness. "She went to the defendant's apartment with him and they continued to consume there: Marijuana and cocaine," reported the public prosecutor.

The accused 19-year-old pleaded "not guilty" to abuse in Vienna Landl. (Bild: zVg, Krone KREATIV)
The accused 19-year-old pleaded "not guilty" to abuse in Vienna Landl.

Although she was clearly impaired by the drugs, both men had unprotected sexual intercourse with the child. This is proven by DNA traces. He did not know that she was underage, the Serbian man pleads "not guilty".

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She told me she was 18, we didn't know she was a child.

Die Mutter des Angeklagten, die auch zu Hause war

"She said to me that she would be 18. I'm telling the truth," said the mother during the trial in support of her offspring, who had three criminal convictions and was brought before the court from custody. The woman, who according to her own statements has a pedagogical education, was also in the apartment on the night of the crime. "Only the nurse who picked her up told us how old she really was."

Because the 41-year-old also stated during police questioning that she did not know her son's boyfriend, she was also charged with giving false testimony. "I don't know him. He told me that his name was Mohammed and that he would be 18," she stuck to this version during the trial.

Petite victim weighed only 35 kilos at the time
"There was a 22-year-old man and a girl who had just turned 13 in your apartment. And you believed both of them to be 18?" Ms. Rat gets louder. The alleged victim weighed just 35 kilograms at the time, she says, playing a photo of the petite girl on the screens in the courtroom. Defense lawyer Sonja Scheed has also brought pictures with her that show the victim in heavy make-up: "That was around the same time and she looks much older than 13."

While her client denies the sexual abuse of a minor, he confesses to the other charges. Without a driver's license, he was stopped in an unregistered car with false license plates. He did not pay at a petrol station. "He simply doesn't care about anything," the public prosecutor summarizes aptly. He and the judge lose patience more than once due to the defendant's flippant, contradictory statements and his constant interrupting. Adjourned for further witnesses.

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