Father at the brewing kettle

Göttweig monks launch monastery beer from the baptism

27.05.2024 05:45

Monks have a centuries-old tradition of brewing beer: the Benedictine monks from Göttweig near Krems now want to put this philosophy into practice using modern methods.

"Beer is a truly divine medicine!" - These wise words were once spoken by the natural scientist Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombast von Hohenheim (1493-1541), better known as Paracelsus. And his brothers from the Benedictine order in Göttweig would certainly agree with him even today. There is no other explanation for the fact that beer will also be brewed in the time-honored monastery above the Wachau in the future. However, the heavenly barley juice, which is to be tapped in the monastery at the end of the year, will not be brewed on site. This will take place at the agricultural college in the abbey parish of Pyhra near St. Pölten.

Groundbreaking ceremony for new brewing hall
However, before Father Pirmin Mayer can get to work on the mash and lauter tuns himself, a new hall must first be built. The ground-breaking ceremony for this took place recently. The partner is the St. Pöltner Braugenossenschaft, which is also responsible for the top beer (see below).

The ground-breaking ceremony for Göttweiger's new brewing hall has now taken place in Pyhra near St. Pölten. (Bild: Bernhrad Herzberger)
The ground-breaking ceremony for Göttweiger's new brewing hall has now taken place in Pyhra near St. Pölten.

And because the Benedictine monks not only have a long tradition of brewing beer, but also of teaching, students at the agricultural college specializing in agriculture and food technology will gain practical insights into the brewing process.

Name remains a "monastery secret"
After storage and maturation, the beer is expected to be available in bottles and barrels for the Advent magic in Göttweig. However, the name has not yet been revealed. In this respect, the otherwise so talkative people of Göttweig have wrapped themselves in a vow of silence...

Perfekte Mischung
Wo Cocktails auf regionales Bier treffen

750 (!) rare spirits slumber behind the bar and in the cellar of "Yesterday" bartender Oliver Kloiber in St. Pölten. "We serve the best whiskeys from the Scottish Highlands and Islands, sip by sip. And from Ireland anyway," assures the "Falstaff" award-winning connoisseur of liquids.

Liquid harmony - cocktail perfectionist Kloiber (left) and "top beer" brewer Sodek (Bild: Antal Imre)
Liquid harmony - cocktail perfectionist Kloiber (left) and "top beer" brewer Sodek

Very loosely based on the drinking song of the legendary Dubliners, who famously once spent all their money on whiskey and beer as "Wild Rovers", the collector of the most valuable high-proof spirits has brought "Spitzenbier" brewer Stefan Sodek from Pyhra into the cooling guest garden oasis. His sparkling beers are praised as malty and spicy, with balanced and aromatic hops. The duo's credo: "Our drinks harmonize perfectly."

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