Alternative path

Dropping out of school as a springboard for a career

27.05.2024 06:00

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg: they all dropped out of school and proved that you can make it without a diploma. This dream is also shared by many students who prefer to complete an apprenticeship instead of continuing to cram. The job prospects are certainly rosy.

The summer vacations start again in Burgenland in a month's time. Many families are already discussing whether their children should continue their school career or whether they should perhaps enter the world of work earlier than planned. Some pupils seize this opportunity and start an apprenticeship. The advantage: theory and practice are optimally combined.

In any case, school drop-outs are very welcome in local training companies. "There are apprenticeship vacancies in Burgenland in many professions. They range from optometry and glass construction technology to carpentry," reports Doris Granabetter, Managing Director of the Trade and Crafts Division.

Junior staff are urgently needed. (Bild: SPAR/PG Studios)
Junior staff are urgently needed.

Older semesters too
Orthopaedic shoemaker Josef Weninger from Großpetersdorf - he is the Deputy Guild Master for Healthcare Professions - is also happy to have young apprentices. He has already successfully trained many girls and boys himself: "Those who drop out of secondary school are older and usually more mature and self-confident in terms of their personal development. Young people already know what interests them and where their talents lie. That's an advantage."

There are currently 2,700 apprentices in training in Burgenland. One in six does not sign their apprenticeship contract until after their 18th birthday. "It's never too late for an apprenticeship. This also applies to those who have already learned a trade but want to switch to another sector," emphasizes Doris Granabetter.

More information can be found on the Chamber of Commerce's apprenticeship platform:

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