"Talks are far advanced"

Werner on new coach and Dragovic’s return

25.05.2024 08:41

Austrias sporting director Jürgen Werner wants to present a new coach soon. "Talks are at a very advanced stage," he told the "Krone". Meanwhile, Aleks Dragovic's return to Austria is considered sealed. Werner also talks about this.

We have drawn up coach profiles, but that was already the case before Michi Wimmer. We want to have a plan both against and with the ball, to develop a culture of play. That should be on his business card."

"A team with a strong character"
In an interview with the "Krone", sporting director Jürgen Werner has a clear idea of what Austria's new coach needs to bring to the table. "I believe that we have a team with a strong character. It doesn't take much, but it still needs clear leadership," says Werner. Who has the final say in the coaching decision. "I'm responsible for it, but it's not a one-man show, everyone can put their two cents in."

(Bild: GEPA pictures)

The Violets start the new season on June 24, but Werner wants to clarify the new "chief" on the coaching bench soon. "We're already very far along in the talks, the decision has to be made in the next two weeks. We have to see what the best solution is for Austria. Who can best steer the ship into a harbor so that we can reach our goal (top 6). If the all-round economic situation is right, we can invest in the quality of the team."

Schopp, Stöger, Pacult
The 62-year-old couldn't help but grin at names such as Markus Schopp, Peter Stöger and Peter Pacult. "I definitely don't want to say a name so that I don't end up like Bayern Munich and only the seventh choice makes the running."

Dragovic? "In contact for 14 months"
While Aleks Dragovic leaves Red Star Belgrade after three years and returns to Austria with his family. Also to Austria? "I've been in contact with him for 14 months, let's see," winks Werner

Will Aleks Dragovic return to Austria? (Bild: APA/AFP/Ronny Hartmann)
Will Aleks Dragovic return to Austria?

Dream goal to say goodbye
Austria got off to a good start yesterday in the first leg of the play-off final for the European Cup against Hartberg - 2:1. Joker Wels had the lead on his feet after coming on as a substitute with his first touch of the ball from five meters (46'). However, it was Holland, who will be leaving the club, who made it 1-0 (51') with a dream shot under the crossbar in his last home game.

Fitz then confidently made it 2-0 from the spot (58'), and the second leg awaits on Tuesday.

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