At Austria Vienna

SPG want to say goodbye to the league with a win

26.05.2024 06:55

Last Sunday at the Altach Cashpoint Arena, Swiss attacker Sarina Heeb and Nadia Bendhim, who will both be leaving the club, were bid farewell. This Sunday (12.45/live on ÖFB TV), the Altach/Vorderland team will bid farewell to Austria Vienna from the Admiral Women's Bundesliga.

But don't worry - the team from Vorarlberg will continue to compete in the top domestic league in the coming season, albeit - as agreed when they joined three years ago - only as SCR Altach in future.

After finishing in sixth place in their first season as a joint venture, they ended last season in third place behind St. Pölten and level on points with Sturm Graz.
They are currently in the same position this season, but are still hoping to overtake second-placed Vienna at the last minute, so to speak, and make the leap to a Champions League qualifying place.

Hoping for help from Linz
To do so, however, Vienna would have to slip up in their match at Blau-Weiß Linz/Kleinmünchen, which takes place at the same time. And Altach would have to pick up more points at Vienna Austria, against whom they were knocked out in the semi-finals of the ÖFB Cup at the end of March after a bitter 2-1 home defeat, than the Döblingen side did in Linz.

Altach coach Bernhard Summer (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Altach coach Bernhard Summer

Performance like against St. Pölten required
"I have no thoughts of revenge, but it will certainly take a performance against them like the one against St. Pölten," said Bernhard Summer, who was not dissatisfied with the performance of his ladies - despite losing the home duel with the serial champions 2-1. "We played well for 90 minutes and had our chances. What's more, our opponents proved to be really strong on the day and their performance was not comparable to the one they produced in the 1-1 draw against Dornbirn, for example."

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