Austrian Armed Forces open their gates

Bombastic atmosphere at the artillery headquarters

24.05.2024 11:30

Tomorrow, Saturday, May 25, the Liechtensteinkaserne at the Allentsteig military training area, where the Reconnaissance and Artillery Battalion 4 is stationed, will open its doors. The event starts at 10 am.

Visitors to the open day at the Liechtensteinkaserne barracks at the Allentsteig military training area on Saturday, May 25, will be able to see the striking power and equipment of the Reconnaissance and Artillery Battalion (AAB) 4 for themselves. The gates will be open from 10 am to 5 pm.

Program with team competition
There will also be an extensive program. At 10.30 a.m. there will be a combat demonstration with gun salutes from the "Riding Artillery Division No. 2". There will also be a demonstration of the skills of the Austrian Rescue Dog Brigade. The event continues at 11.45 a.m. with a "Dingo pulling" team competition for six people each: Whoever beats the time of the AAB4 will win a round of drinks. The entry fee is 10 euros. The proceeds will go to the therapeutic small residential group in Raabs an der Thaya.

Military music will be there
Other highlights include a concert by the military band around midday, raffles and a demonstration by the dogs section of the Army Sports Club in the afternoon, before the military vehicles march out at 4.30 pm. Throughout the day, new equipment such as recovery vehicles, camouflage suits and a combat drone will be on display.

Visitors can see the equipment and training of the AAB4 for themselves. (Bild: Krone KREATIV/Gerald Grestenberger)
Visitors can see the equipment and training of the AAB4 for themselves.

Modified weapons are handed over
At the event, Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner will hand over the new turret trainer for the gun crews and the "StG77 A1 MOD Nightfighter" assault rifle to the troops. New devices and equipment, such as recovery vehicles, a camouflage suit and a combat drone, will also be on display to the public throughout the day. Emergency organizations such as the fire department, Red Cross and police as well as partners from the region will also be presenting themselves at the open day.

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