Glamor at the Amfar Gala

Leni & Heidi Klum: Glamorous appearance at the Amfar Gala

24.05.2024 07:31

For many fashion fans, it is the most glamorous evening during the Cannes Film Festival: the Amfar AIDS Relief Gala. It is held not far from the festival in neighboring Antibes. Heidi Klum is also a regular guest and walked the red carpet on Thursday evening - this time with her daughter Leni.

Heidi Klum is known for the extravagant dresses she wears on the red carpet during the film festival. This time she presented an asymmetrical pink ruffled dress.

Leni in a net dress
Her 20-year-old daughter also opted for ruffles - albeit a little more discreet and in a black mesh look, but no less exciting. The 20-year-old almost stole the show with her transparent look.

Glamorous appearance at the Amfar Gala: Leni accompanied mom Heidi Klum (Bild: APA/AFP/Sameer Al-Doumy)
Glamorous appearance at the Amfar Gala: Leni accompanied mom Heidi Klum
Mom and daughter are one heart and one soul, even on the red carpet. (Bild: APA/Scott A Garfitt/Invision/AP)
Mom and daughter are one heart and one soul, even on the red carpet.

Lots of great gowns
Actress Diane Kruger (47), who can be seen in a competition film at the film festival, also came to Antibes for the gala - as did many other celebrities.

Diane Kruger in a golden dress at the Amfar Gala (Bild: APA/AFP/Sameer Al-Doumy)
Diane Kruger in a golden dress at the Amfar Gala

The musician Cher made a musical appearance. Hollywood actress Demi Moore was scheduled to host the event.

(Bild: APA/AFP/Sameer Al-Doumy)

Probably the most unusual look of the evening was presented by model Coco Rocha. She came as a golden angel with wings. But fellow models Winnie Harlow and Toni Garrn also looked simply magical on this evening.

Model Coco Rocha (Bild: APA/AFP/Sameer Al-Doumy)
Model Coco Rocha
Winnie Harlow (Bild: APA/AFP/Sameer Al-Doumy)
Winnie Harlow
Toni Garrn (Bild: APA/Vianney Le Caer/Invision/AP)
Toni Garrn

Also top: Paris Jackson, Bella Thorne and Kelly Rowland, who was able to shine again after her freak-out on the red carpet in Cannes at the beginning of the week.

Paris Jackson (Bild: APA/AFP/Sameer Al-Doumy)
Paris Jackson
Bella Thorne (Bild: APA/AFP/Sameer Al-Doumy)
Bella Thorne
Kelly Rowland (Bild: APA/AFP/Sameer Al-Doumy)
Kelly Rowland

Role in "Emily in Paris" up for auction
The non-profit Amfar Foundation raises money to support AIDS research, HIV prevention and treatment. To this end, exciting works of art and activities are always offered for auction at the gala in Antibes.

In addition to a lithograph by Andy Warhol, visitors to the 30th edition of the event were able to bid for a small role in the next season of the Netflix series "Emily in Paris", for example.

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