Several construction sites

Several construction sites! There is a need for action here

24.05.2024 09:00

After the season is before the season: Salzburg must and will make some changes to its squad in the summer. The transfer market will open soon and the "Krone" knows in which positions the Bulls need reinforcements. Three problem areas stand out in particular.

The 2023/24 season has only just ended for Salzburg, but preparations for the coming season are already in full swing. After all, the championship trophy should return to the city of Mozart in 2025. But in order to achieve this goal, reinforcements will be needed in the summer in the Bulls squad, which has several construction sites. The "Krone" knows which positions the former champions need to strengthen.

Pavlovic (left) will probably leave Salzburg. (Bild: Gepa Pictures)
Pavlovic (left) will probably leave Salzburg.

Problem area one: the central defense. The departures of Pavlovic and Solet are as good as certain. Behind them there are "only" young talents. Baidoo took a big step forward last year, but the rest are probably not yet ready to play consistently at the highest level. It is likely that Daniliuc, who was recently loaned out, will be signed permanently. Nevertheless, at least one more central defender will be needed. Ideally, this player should already have a certain amount of experience and the potential to become the leader of the defense.

Sucic (right) could also leave. (Bild: GEPA pictures/ Matthias Trinkl)
Sucic (right) could also leave.

Problem area two: left midfield. Here, too, Salzburg are likely to lose two important players - Sucic and Kjaergaard feel ready for the next step. Adequate replacements? Not a chance! The only real alternative is Forson, but he failed to impress last season. A new, offensively strong man who can decide games with one action is needed.

Konate needs relief. (Bild: GEPA/GEPA pictures)
Konate needs relief.

Problem area three: the right striker. Apart from Koita, no attacker is likely to leave the club, but reinforcements are still needed. Also because Konate needs relief. Fernando is too injury-prone. Simic, Ratkov and Nene show their quality far too rarely. A real shot-stopper is needed.

Further transfer activities are also quite possible - Dedic, for example, is on the verge of leaving at right back. Van der Brempt could then be given another chance to prove himself after a successful loan at HSV. Just like Gourna-Douath in midfield - we are patiently waiting for his breakthrough.

Hoping for Atalanta
Another topic: Salzburg are hoping that Europa League winners Atalanta Bergamo will finish in the top four in Italy's Serie A. That would mean that the Bulls would only enter the third qualifying round for the Champions League in the summer and not the second. The Bergamaschi are currently two points behind Bologna and Juventus Turin with one game less to play.

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