Competencies secured

Burgenland prescription to combat doctor shortage

24.05.2024 06:00

After eight unsuccessful advertisements for a specialist gynaecology post in the district of Güssing, a new approach is now being taken to filling the vacancy. The province of Burgenland has now secured the authority to fill the vacancies itself.

It is a fact that waiting times are increasing in all specialties. At the same time, the shortage of specialists and general practitioners is becoming more acute and the Medical Association's wish list, which calls for more support from politicians, is getting longer and longer. In Burgenland, an increase in doctors' fees on the part of the ÖGK is at the top of the wish list of the statutory health insurance physicians, as Burgenland has been at the bottom of the list of federal states for years.

Only one gynecologist for two districts in the south
In recent years, the situation has become particularly acute in the area of health insurance practices specializing in gynaecology and obstetrics, especially in southern Burgenland. After one practice in Jennersdorf has not been filled since 2015, ÖGK has now eliminated another in Güssing after eight unsuccessful tenders. However, the health insurance fund emphasizes that it is working on establishing an alternative care model after the repeated unsuccessful tenders for the positions. Efforts are being made to find a solution quickly and talks are underway.

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We are now taking the provision of the population with gynecologists in private practice into our own hands and will implement a new solution model. The population can rest assured that we are taking this responsibility very seriously.

(Bild: Manfred Weis)

Landeshauptmann Hans Peter Doskozil

Burgenland solution following change in federal law
The state of Burgenland and Governor Hans Peter Doskozil, on the other hand, have the solution at hand. After it had not been possible to fill vacant specialist gynaecology practices in Güssing under the current "regime" of ÖGK and the Medical Association, Governor Doskozil had campaigned for two ÖGK practices to be "transferred" to the province, his office emphasizes. This was made possible by a change in federal law, which gives the federal states more powers in matters of target taxation. "We are now taking the provision of gynaecologists in private practice into our own hands and will implement a new solution model. The population can rest assured that we are taking this responsibility very seriously," emphasized the Governor.

Outpatient clinic at Güssing Clinic is being planned
Specifically, a primary care outpatient clinic is to be set up in Güssing via Gesundheit Burgenland, where these two outpatient clinics - and possibly also other shortage subjects - are to be located. An application to this effect has already been submitted to the Target Steering Committee. "These two outpatient clinics are now being put out to tender. We are working flat out to prepare the necessary structural measures. However, to ensure that there is a noticeable improvement for the population as quickly as possible, we will provide a bridging solution either in the Güssing Clinic or in the form of a container. This should be implemented by the end of this year at the latest," Doskozil set clear deadlines. On the other hand, ongoing talks are still being held regarding the tariff structure.

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