European elections on June 9

Why Lower Austria decides who goes to the EU in Brussels

24.05.2024 11:00

With 1,299,132 possible votes, Lower Austria represents the largest share of all federal states in the European elections on June 9. There are 20 seats at stake in Brussels.

In just under two weeks, the "super election year" 2024 will take its course. On June 9, the European elections will set the course for the EU over the next five years. And Lower Austria will play an important role in the allocation of the 20 red-white-red seats in the Brussels Parliament.

The most votes
"We are the province with the most voters," says Karl Wilfing, President of the Provincial Parliament and Deputy Provincial Election Commissioner in St. Pölten. 1,299,132 citizens are called upon to mark one of the seven candidate lists on the ballot paper. Preferential votes can also be awarded to candidates. But beware: while Lower Austrians are used to voting by name rather than by party in regional and local council elections, the opposite is true for the EU elections.

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Anyone who takes part in the election sends out a signal for democracy, peace and freedom. You should exercise your right to vote.

(Bild: P. Huber)

Karl Wilfing, Präsident des NÖ- Landtages

Polling cards for postal voting
As with all other ballots, you do not have to go to a polling station to vote. Voting cards for postal voting can be requested from the municipalities in writing by June 5 and in person by June 7, 12 noon. For all those who prefer to vote in a polling station, there are 2565 polling stations across the country. The first ones - in Euratsfeld and Wiener Neustadt - open at 6 a.m. and close at 4 p.m. at the latest. 30,000 observers will ensure that the EU election runs smoothly.

Voting booths for casting votes are available in more than 2500 polling stations across the country. (Bild: P. Huber)
Voting booths for casting votes are available in more than 2500 polling stations across the country.

Waiting for the result
However, you will have to wait longer than in other elections to find out how the election turned out. This is because provisional results are not available until 11.01 pm on election Sunday. "Because in some French overseas territories, the EU election is not completed until then," explains Wilfing.

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read the original article here.

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