Wasn't allowed to flirt!

Therapist advised Kate Hudson: 1 year off men!

23.05.2024 10:24

It's hard to believe, but actress Kate Hudson (45) hasn't had much luck with men. In a podcast, she admitted that her therapist had even advised her to take a whole year off from men.

In an episode of the podcast "Call Her Daddy", Kate Hudson explained that she had "taken a whole year off" from the romantic search for men after her therapist advised her to focus on herself.

The actress explained she was in her thirties when she decided she "didn't want to have any more toxic behaviors" and the only solution her therapist saw at the time was to simply not date for a whole year.

The first few months were "uncomfortable" for Hudson
"I thought: 'What?' I couldn't flirt - none of that. But it was great," Hudson revealed to presenter Alex Cooper. The 45-year-old went on to recall: "I could talk to men, but I couldn't give them my number. So they asked: 'Can I have your number?' I replied: 'No, not right now'."

The "How to Get Rid of Him in 10 Days" star admitted that the first few months were "awkward" and "not fun" for him. However, Hudson explained that it eventually became "strangely encouraging".

Actress "had forgotten how to flirt"
"Because we were doing a very specific kind of therapy, it was really about understanding certain things that were happening to me, and then I had a kind of breakthrough that was very emotional and that I don't think I would have been able to do if I'd had any distractions, so I was able to see things much more clearly," she shared.

When Kate Hudson got the "go" to date again after a year off, she was quite confused because she had apparently "forgotten how to flirt". After the year-long break, Hudson realized that she no longer had the same "attachment for male attention" and that the same "wild" men no longer held the same attraction for her.

The actress described the whole ordeal as "truly amazing" and said she was "so lucky" to have been single for just over three years before meeting her current fiancé, Danny Fujikawa, 37.

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read the original article here.

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