Cheeky Insta video

Climate activist feeds prison sentence to donkey

22.05.2024 22:45

Primary prison sentences have been imposed on Last Generation activists - including the most well-known face of the movement, Anja Windl. In a cheeky Instagram video, the climate activist showed what she thinks of the prison sentence she received.

"I brought Lara something," Windl says into the camera, holding the official document in her hand. Lara is a donkey, which the activist then feeds the document to. "Yes, look, does the primary arrest taste good? It doesn't taste like that, does it? But it's a bit sh....! What are we going to do with it now?", the activist comments on the chewing movements of the ungulate with the paper in its mouth (see below). The video is subtitled "I think eating primary arrest is legitimate".

"Has eaten donkey"
Windl wrote in her Instagram story that the donkey made a "strong statement" about the prison sentences for peaceful protesters. "I don't think I can start primary arrest. Has eaten donkey. Can't do anything," says the climate activist, who was already in custody in Vienna last year, challengingly to the camera.

Most of the young activist's fans on Instagram celebrate the feeding campaign, but some wonder whether it is good for a donkey to eat printed paper. "I hope animal welfare sees this," writes one user.

Official complaint also lodged
Feeding the detention order to a donkey is unlikely to save Windl from arrest. However, a formal complaint has already been lodged against the primary custodial sentences.

The so-called primary penalty is the most severe type of penalty in Austrian administrative criminal law. It involves imprisonment instead of a fine. The minimum duration of this prison sentence is twelve hours; in the current case, the activists were to be imprisoned for several days.

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