From the court

A sticker for a rust bucket

22.05.2024 17:00

A mechanic found himself in court for abuse of authority. As the man has no criminal record and is of sound mind, the judge refrains from sentencing him.

"Don't you think it's important that a car is roadworthy and safe to drive?" Lisa Pfeifer, the presiding judge of the jury senate, asked the defendant on Wednesday. He answered in the affirmative and added that he had carried out the inspection of the 24-year-old car in January to the best of his knowledge and belief. At that time, he had not been able to find any serious defects in the car. A mistake, as it later turned out.

In the course of a purchase test, two serious defects were initially identified. The buyer then demanded that the private seller rescind the contract. But the seller refused. A further assessment of the vehicle at the vehicle inspection center in Lauterach was commissioned. The expert's devastating result: four serious defects! Whereupon the buyer reported the seller for fraud.

The case gets rolling, which is why the mechanic (40) now also has to answer to the court for abuse of authority. As the man has no criminal record and is transparent, the judge refrains from sentencing him. The case ends with a diversion and a fine of 6,200 euros. The decision means that the mechanic does not have to fear any consequences under commercial law.

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Chantal Dorn
Chantal Dorn
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