"A good life for all"

Babler wants to be social for every age group

22.05.2024 14:08

At a press conference on Wednesday, SPÖ leader Andreas Babler held out the prospect of a "future guarantee for all generations" if the Social Democrats make it into the next federal government. Together with the Chairman of the Socialist Youth, Paul Stich, and the President of the Upper Austrian Pensioners' Association, Birgit Gerstorfer, he spoke out against playing young and old off against each other, for children's rights and against pension cuts.

Those who have the pocket money to do so are welcome to take out additional private insurance, said Babler: "But social democracy is the guarantee that you can live on your statutory pension." Gerstorfer agreed with this. She spoke out in favor of securing pensions in general, protecting their level and sticking to the retirement age of 65. Stich pleaded for a "good life for all those who work now and all those who have worked".

SPÖ leader promises "right to an analog life"
Babler denounced age discrimination, such as the fact that applications for the repair bonus are only available online. "The SPÖ will put an end to this condescension", he emphasized, promising free paper bills and a "right to an analogue life" in general.

Babler sees age discrimination in the repair bonus. (Bild: BMK/Cajetan Perwein)
Babler sees age discrimination in the repair bonus.

Babler also mentioned children's rights, which should be demanded. He criticized the ÖVP-led federal states, saying that at present, equal opportunities depended on the zip code. On the issue of asylum - most recently the subject of conflict between SPÖ proponents in Vienna and Burgenland regarding compulsory residency - he spoke out in favor of a legally regulated distribution between the federal government and the federal states, linked to financial equalization funds. If there was no fixed agreement in Austria, then this could not be demanded at European level, he said.

It was probably no coincidence that Babler also named the fight against global warming as a priority, specifically against "profit-driven global warming", given the turmoil in the Green Party. Tipping points have already been irreversibly crossed, and there is a right to an intact planet. It is a "social distribution struggle that must be waged".

In a contribution on X, Babler also emphasized that climate protection is a "personal matter close to his heart":

Babler calls for binding climate protection strategy
He did not want to comment on specific measures such as a 100 km/h speed limit on freeways or cuts to the commuter allowance, but said that what was needed was a binding climate protection strategy, which the Greens had not been able to push through against their coalition partner ÖVP for more than 1,000 days - keyword: climate protection law. Babler promised that with the SPÖ there would be a binding CO2 reduction strategy.

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