Wanted to search car

Fake policeman threatens men with a gun

22.05.2024 13:03

On Tuesday night, two men in Vienna-Penzing were forced to have their car searched by an armed man (35) pretending to be a police officer. However, the two men reacted in exactly the right way after the suspect was unable to produce a police ID.

The incident took place in Kefergasse at around 2.40 am. When the suspect had stopped the two men, he suddenly pulled out a softair pistol and forced them to search his car. However, the two men became suspicious as to whether he was actually a real police officer after he was unable to show any identification. They immediately alerted the real police. At the same time, they managed to overpower the 35-year-old and detain him.

The fake police officer threatened the two men with this weapon. (Bild: LPD Wien)
The fake police officer threatened the two men with this weapon.

Preliminary arrest
When the officers arrived, they were able to seize the softair pistol, a butterfly knife, a police vest and a small amount of narcotics, presumably crystal meth, from the fake policeman. The suspect was provisionally arrested on suspicion of aggravated coercion, usurpation of authority and possession of narcotics.

Cannot remember
The 35-year-old was under the influence of drugs at the time and claimed during questioning that he could not remember the incident. He is currently being held in a prison.

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