Special concert

The Goleador sets the Nordkette on fire

19.05.2024 10:34

Ralph "The Voice" Schader brings Goleador Hans Krankl and the Viennese cult band Monti Beton to Innsbruck in summer. The Nordkette will "burn".

The sensation is perfect. It's been 30 years since Hans Krankl was coach of FC Tirol. "I was the stadium announcer at the Tivoli back then and was always there live. Hans always motivated the team with the phrase 'The Nordkette must burn'. That was the idea of organizing a concert with him on the Seegrube," Schader tells the "Krone".

"You are a madness"
The Goleador was immediately enthusiastic about the idea: "Hey Ralph, you're amazing. Of course I like that!" Schader then contacted Thomas Schroll, Managing Director of the Innsbruck Nordkettenbahn, who will now also be organizing this spectacle: Johann K. and Monti Beton will be playing live on the Seegrube on August 23. You can hear the good old hits from the 1950s and 1960s, as well as the best-known Austropop hits from 1970 and 1980 and an excerpt from the latest program "Il Spettacolo Italo-Americano". Schader: "A wonderful mixture, performed in the typical Monti Beton style - with humor and appropriate bon mots. To laugh and sing along!

Ralph "The Voice" Schader (2nd from right) is delighted that he was able to win over Goleador Hans Krankl (2nd from left) and the Viennese cult band Monti Beton for a concert at the Seegrube. (Bild: Schader)
Ralph "The Voice" Schader (2nd from right) is delighted that he was able to win over Goleador Hans Krankl (2nd from left) and the Viennese cult band Monti Beton for a concert at the Seegrube.

The supporting program is also something to be seen and heard: Michael Fally, head of sport at krone.at in his day job, will get everyone in the mood. "Advance ticket sales have already started and are going well," says the Innsbruck Nordkettenbahn. Many celebrities from the world of sport will also be attending the concert - including, of course, some of Hans Krankl's companions.

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