Emergency organizations

Carinthia follows suit with standardized digital radio

14.05.2024 18:14

Carinthia is now the last federal state in Austria to join the digital radio network - local emergency services are to have nationwide digital radio coverage by the end of 2028. The state is spending around 22 million euros on 145 new transmitters.

Greater protection and better efficiency - this is what the nationwide digital radio system should bring us, predicts Governor Peter Kaiser (SPÖ): "There have already been many positive comments from the blue light organizations in advance." The system was already used during the 2008 European Men's Football Championships and five transmitting stations were set up in Klagenfurt; now all emergency services are to be converted. The provincial audit office is monitoring the major project.

"It is a special day for security in Austria, especially for security in Carinthia," says Interior Minister Gerhard Karner, delighted with the project. He sees three positive points: "A uniform communication system for all blue light organizations, a fail-safe and ultimately a proven and at the same time a modern communication system."

2000 transmitting stations throughout Austria
There are currently 1700 base stations throughout Austria, and in the final expansion stage in 2008 there will be 2000. For Carinthia, this means that there are currently 20 base stations, and there will be 250 in total.

The signatures make it official. (Bild: LPD/Kuess)
The signatures make it official.
From the left: Stefan Tauschitz, Provincial Councillor Daniel Fellner, Governor Peter Kaiser, Interior Minister Gerhard Karner, Deputy Governor Martin Gruber and Markus Popolari. (Bild: LPD/Kuess)
From the left: Stefan Tauschitz, Provincial Councillor Daniel Fellner, Governor Peter Kaiser, Interior Minister Gerhard Karner, Deputy Governor Martin Gruber and Markus Popolari.

According to Karner, 113,000 terminals are in use throughout the country using this technology: "Police, volunteer fire departments, the army, the Red Cross, the Samaritans, air rescue, Asfinag, ÖBB, district administrative authorities and, and, and..."

The Ministry of the Interior is responsible for annual operations, with 37.6 million euros being invested across Austria in the current year. Carinthia is taking over the expansion and operation of the base stations, which is "a really fair way", says Karner. Carinthia is investing 22 million euros, which were set aside as provisions in 2017.

The specific locations are still being determined in terms of topography, but there are already three on the Carinthian side of the Koralm Tunnel.

"Gap in the safety net" closed
The responsible officer Daniel Fellner (SPÖ), who began his career with the Red Cross, is certain that there will be no better new system in the next ten years. And even if there were, the radio masts would still be needed. 100 masts are to go into operation in Carinthia by the end of this year, which would cover 30 percent of the state's territory.

Carinthia is thus closing a "gap in the security network", says Deputy Governor Martin Gruber (ÖVP): "Carinthia is the last piece of the puzzle that was missing for a uniform system throughout Austria. Together we have more power, together we are stronger than individual isolated solutions." As someone who cares about rural areas, he also sees the advantage of digital radio in the fact that it "also works where the cell phone network fails - in the forest, on mountains or in remote regions."

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read the original article here.

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