Idea in a care crisis

“A blessing that mom was allowed into the home”

04.05.2024 09:00

The town of Oberndorf is bridging the care crisis in an unusual way. Senior citizens with a low level of care are moving into the retirement home. They require little attention from the specialist staff. At the same time, the municipality reduces the outflow caused by empty beds.

Heads have been spinning in Salzburg's municipalities for years: there is a shortage of skilled staff in retirement homes. In the Oberndorf retirement home, an entire floor was therefore empty. The lack of beds not only plagues the elderly and their relatives, but also puts pressure on the town's budget.

Ingeborg Balogh is glad that her mother got a place "in time" and feels comfortable. (Bild: ANDREAS TROESTER)
Ingeborg Balogh is glad that her mother got a place "in time" and feels comfortable.

This is why Oberndorf is opening its retirement home to those who previously had no chance of finding a place. Senior citizens with a low level of care can move into the twelve rooms on the ground floor.

Bed vacancies also cause Oberndorf unwanted costs. The new solution reduces the outflow. (Bild: Tröster Andreas)
Bed vacancies also cause Oberndorf unwanted costs. The new solution reduces the outflow.

"It's a blessing for us that mom was allowed to move in here. She has even become more mobile again," says an enthusiastic Ingeborg Balogh. Her mother Maria Balogh (86) happily walks out of her room on her rollator. She can do her rounds around the St. Nikolaus retirement home without any problems. "Everything here is barrier-free. That wasn't possible at home. My mother fell several times. Once it was life-threatening. I no longer dared to leave the house," says Ingeborg Balogh.

They were all the happier when the city decided to open up the vacant floor. The 86-year-old is also finding recognition again because she can help more residents in need of care: At the table or with comforting words when someone is sad.

Mayor: "Only a temporary solution"
"We are aiming for full capacity utilization, but we need a lot more nursing staff to achieve this," says SPÖ Mayor Georg Djundja. He speaks of a temporary solution. Other municipalities are already showing interest.

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