All digital?

Korosec: “There must be other analog ways!”

03.05.2024 15:00

In a interview, Seniors' Association President Ingrid Korosec comments on the numerous problems that digitalization brings for the older generation: "It goes far beyond that. Because problems with digitalization affect everyone. Many people are not in a position to master digitalization."

Everyone owns a smartphone and surfs the internet. But it makes a difference whether you are really digitally fit. "For example, to be able to communicate digitally with the authorities or to do other things digitally. And 30 or 40 percent of people can't do that."

There must also be analogue ways
In general, however, the Seniors' Association President also emphasizes the many advantages of digitalization. For example, being able to do things from home when mobility is already limited. Or being able to talk to friends via Skype and avoid having to travel. Korosec: "That's why I'm such a fan of digitalization, especially for the older population. I always say it's the gateway to the world. That's one option. But there also has to be another option in analog form. Because many people can't do digitalization. Partly because they've never had anything to do with it professionally. This means that many people are not able to master digitalization."

President of the Seniors' Association Ingrid Korosec (Bild:
President of the Seniors' Association Ingrid Korosec

Older people often have difficulties with typing. There are numerous things that lead to people being excluded from digitalization. Korosec: "It is discrimination if some things are only made available to a certain section of the population." That is why there must continue to be analog ways to reach the goal. This is a demand that the President of the Seniors' Association will not budge from.

Loneliness as a major problem
Another controversial and stressful issue for the older generation is loneliness. Many people are lonely and cannot get out of it. To alleviate this, Korosec suggests more active shared flats, so that people have someone to talk to in old age. Or efforts to bring young and old together. For example, grandma picking up the grandchildren or helping them with their studies.
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