Suspicion of corruption

Corruption investigations against Strache, Kickl & Co.

29.04.2024 14:24

The public prosecutor's office is investigating FPÖ grandees for bribery and embezzlement. Former ministers Mario Kunasek and Beate Hartinger-Klein are involved. Also the former and current party leader.

"VERY URGENT! Possible statute of limitations!" Unambiguous request from the Vienna Public Prosecutor's Office on April 18 to the Economic and Corruption Prosecutor's Office (WKStA). Referring to their preliminary report of April 15, not to initiate any investigations. There are now investigations after all: against former FPÖ leader Heinz-Christian Strache and others in connection with the "placement of advertisements or advertising stops to Wolfgang Fellner or Austria."

Suspicious image cultivation
There is suspicion of corruption. Bribery and corruption as well as embezzlement. Several people are being investigated, including Wolfgang Fellner and high-ranking officials in blue. These include former Transport Minister Norbert Hofer, former Defense Minister Mario Kunasek and former Social Affairs Minister Beate Hartinger-Klein. And - against FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl. Like Kunasek and Hartinger-Klein, he is suspected of embezzlement. The presumption of innocence applies to all those named.

Herbert Kickl and Norbert Hofer in the focus of the investigators: suspicion of embezzlement. (Bild: APA/ROLAND SCHLAGER)
Herbert Kickl and Norbert Hofer in the focus of the investigators: suspicion of embezzlement.
The former Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache is also under investigation (Bild: Reinhard Holl)
The former Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache is also under investigation

Treacherous chats and offensive FPÖ
The WKStA was commissioned to investigate on the basis of chats and analyses by experts: Fellner allegedly promised Vice-Chancellor and Sports Minister Strache "benevolent reporting and image cultivation for the FPÖ" in exchange for the placement of advertisements. He then asked the other FPÖ ministers, including Kickl, to arrange for corresponding advertisements to be placed in their areas of responsibility. Telling as so often treacherous chats are. The "Krone" already reported on these some time ago. But one thing is certain: Kickl never actively participated in any of these chats.

The WKStA had seen no evidence of unlawful behavior in reporting in "Österreich" and advertisements. And it has now also admitted that the chats in question were only analyzed after the "Red-Blue Committee" initiated by the ÖVP was set up.

FPÖ: "Deep state"
The FPÖ reacted strongly: "It appears to be the work of the 'deep state' of the ÖVP within the judiciary." The Chief Public Prosecutor's Office in Vienna is infiltrated by the black state. In general, advertising contracts were only awarded to the media for objective reasons.

The FPÖ is relaxed, the proceedings will be discontinued. The sole aim of the action was to damage them. Because there is no political opposition to them, they are trying to drag them into the mud. "In this case done by the ÖVP."

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