Crown Sun

“All-in-Sun”: For maximum energy independence

21.04.2024 11:55

Photovoltaics in combination with storage, monitoring, wallbox and maintenance: With Krone Sonne into the sustainable energy future.

Energy independence is no longer a buzzword of tomorrow, but one that has caught up with us in everyday life. The search for alternatives to conventional energy sources is therefore becoming increasingly urgent - and not just for the "decision-makers" when it comes to our future, but for all of us. "Simple and affordable solutions are crucial for a turnaround away from fossil fuels and towards new technologies, and Krone Sonne is definitely the innovative player on the market," says Andreas from Tyrol, advertising face and self-confessed Krone Sonne fan. The combination of a photovoltaic system with storage, monitoring, wallbox and maintenance - the "All-in-Sun" solution as a complete package from Krone Sonne - offers a promising solution to the challenges.

(Bild: Krone Sonne)

Advantages of the complete package
Photovoltaics as a basic energy solution for a household or company has long been the new "normal" and has proven to be an efficient way of generating clean and renewable electricity. But getting the most out of it requires more than just installing solar panels on the roof. This is because solar power is unbeatably cheap compared to buying in electricity - and the more self-generated solar power you use yourself, the greater the benefits. Krone Sun offers a perfectly coordinated complete solution for the greatest possible savings.

Getting the most out of your PV system
The combination of photovoltaics and battery storage makes it possible to store surplus energy and use it when the sun is not shining or there is a power cut. This not only increases independence from external energy sources, but also optimizes the use of self-generated electricity. The blackout box secures the supply to critical consumers and ensures a good night's sleep. Another crucial aspect is monitoring. By monitoring energy consumption and generation, Mr. and Mrs. Austria always have an eye on their energy and can literally switch off potential power guzzlers.

(Bild: Krone KREATIV,

Charging electric cars with their own electricity
The Smart Wallbox from Krone Sonne is another exciting product in the Krone Sonne "All-in-Sun" solution. It not only makes it possible to charge electric vehicles with self-generated solar power, but also to control and optimize the charging process. This not only makes it easier to switch to electromobility, but is also easy on the wallet - because charging with solar power from your own PV system is free. The maintenance package rounds off the "All-in-Sun" solution from Krone Sonne.The Krone Sonne "All in Sun" solution is the only right answer when it comes to energy independence. It not only makes it possible to generate clean and renewable electricity, but also gives us back control over our own energy consumption. In this way, everyone can make an important contribution to a sustainable future and benefit from the advantages of renewable energies. The sun does the rest.

You can find more information about Krone Sonne HERE.

(Bild: Krone KREATIV,
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