AK election until April 29

Chamber of Labor asks Styrians to go to the polls

16.04.2024 08:00

The election of the Styrian workers' parliament runs from April 16 to 29. Five lists are running, AK President Josef Pesserl is entering the race for the third time. Voter turnout was recently just over a third.

It is not one of the most exciting elections, as it is virtually an unwritten law in Styria that the Chamber of Labor is "red". As a result, voter turnout is generally subdued - at the last ballot in 2019, it was just over a third.

739 company polling stations
From April 16 to 29, the Chamber is calling on around 441,000 Styrian employees to cast their vote for the "workers' parliament". 739 company polling stations will be set up for this purpose. Those who do not have this option: "They can cast their vote by post or vote at the AK in Graz or one of our 13 branch offices," says election manager Wolfgang Nigitz. The 110 chamber councillors who make up the AK Styria General Assembly will be elected.

AK boss Josef Pesserl wants to retain the absolute majority. (Bild: AK Stmk/Derler)
AK boss Josef Pesserl wants to retain the absolute majority.
Peter Amreich is running for the FCG/ ÖAAB for the first time. (Bild: Steirische Pendlerinitiative)
Peter Amreich is running for the FCG/ ÖAAB for the first time.
Harald "Blue Harry" Korschelt leads the FA list. (Bild: AK Stmk)
Harald "Blue Harry" Korschelt leads the FA list.

Five lists are up for election. The first is the social democratic FSG, for which the incumbent AK President Josef Pesserl is entering the race for the third time and wants to maintain the absolute majority. Peter Amreich (FCG-ÖAAB) is fighting for votes for the People's Party, Harald Korschelt (FA) for the Freedom Party. Sandra Hofmann (AUGE/UG) is at the top of the list for the Greens and Georg Erkinger (GLB-KPÖ) for the Communists. The Neos are not running.

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