At an altitude of 2000 meters

German couple lost their way: helicopter operation

13.04.2024 18:41

A leisurely hike on the Turracher Höhe turned into a rescue mission on Saturday - a German couple had followed the wrong markings ...

Directly from their hotel, a 69-year-old German holidaymaker and his 62-year-old wife set off in the direction of Schwarzsee. "They then followed the cross-country ski trail in the direction of Weitental, municipality of Albeck," reported the police. "In the area there, they wanted to head back towards Turracher Höhe, but mistakenly followed the hiking markings in the direction of Engeleriegel."

However, the German couple did not find pleasant conditions on this forest and hiking trail - there is still snow there. At around 2 p.m., they finally had to give up exhausted at an altitude of 2,000 meters. "Due to exhaustion, they were unable to continue and informed the hotel. This subsequently set the rescue chain in motion," said the police.

The Libelle police helicopter therefore took off from Klagenfurt and was able to locate the two lost hikers at around 3.00 pm. "The helicopter landed in the vicinity and flew them back to Turracher Höhe. The couple were slightly exhausted but uninjured," concluded the police.

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