Scandal in Salzburg

Homophobic neighbor insulted with Nazi salute

12.04.2024 16:34

Drunk, a woman insulted her homosexual neighbors in a crude manner with Nazi slogans. The regional court ordered her to visit a concentration camp due to ignorance and imposed a suspended sentence.

A German woman (52) insulted and abused her two homosexual neighbors in the worst possible way - and therefore had to explain herself to a jury on Friday in Salzburg Provincial Court on suspicion of re-activation.

Shealso climbed onto the balcony and destroyed flower pots
She had raised her right arm in a Nazi salute and shouted "Heil Hitler" several times during her tirade, while also threatening the couple with death. The whole thing happened on July 17, 2023 in Saalfelden. "We called the police because she wouldn't stop and it was unpleasant," said the man concerned. But even the police visit didn't stop her, she continued with her insults. As if that wasn't enough, a few days later she climbed onto the neighbors' balcony and destroyed flower pots.

Unlike in the police interrogation, she now admitted the accusations: "I want to apologize a thousand times." She had started drinking early that day, otherwise she had no other explanation. But: she wants nothing to do with the right-wing scene. "Do you know that homosexuals were persecuted during the Third Reich?" asked the public prosecutor. The woman replied in the negative: "No, I only thought the Jews."

A clear case for a history lesson: In addition to 14 months' conditional imprisonment, the court ordered alcohol therapy and a visit to the Mauthausen concentration camp.

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