Not a lenient sentence

Paedophile from Oberland (26) now behind bars

05.04.2024 19:19

The man from Oberland has already stood trial once in Vorarlberg for a sexual offense involving minors. The judge and public prosecutor drew the consequences.

"You pose a great danger to children," said judge Lisa Pfeifer, explaining the non-final judgment. The 26-year-old received five months in prison. In addition, the suspended conditional sentence of four months from 2020 was revoked. The insubordinate will therefore spend nine months behind bars in Sweden.

The man with a criminal record was accused of wanting to meet a 13-year-old boy for sex. This was preceded by numerous chat histories. But the case was uncovered. During the house search, the police found several cell phones with around 1000 pornographic images of minors.

Client mentally impaired
During the trial, the unemployed man pleaded guilty to the charges and emphasized that he was very sorry about the matter. While defense lawyer Toni Jakobi argued that his client was mentally impaired, the accused's brother provided information about the accused's mental state. "He was already 50 percent disabled at special school." He was later certified as 70 percent mentally impaired. "My brother can't think clearly. He doesn't know what he's doing and therefore can't assess the consequences."

The accused claims that he no longer has paedophilic tendencies, as he now has a girlfriend and has therefore achieved his goal. He has also been in therapy for three months.

The accused now knows the court building in Feldkirch well. (Bild: DIETMAR STIPLOVSEK / APA /
The accused now knows the court building in Feldkirch well.

In view of the fact that the 26-year-old had already reoffended just one month after his most recent conviction, there is no way around a lenient sentence for public prosecutor Alexander Kaindl. "They have learned nothing from their conviction. The public prosecutor's office certainly doesn't believe that their paedophile tendencies no longer exist."

Judge Lisa Pfeifer found the repeat offender guilty of initiating sexual contact with minors and pornographic depiction of minors. Ms. Rat's closing words to the convicted man: "You are also a danger to yourself. Therapy is urgently needed. But this will only become an issue if you are released from prison early."

Chantal Dorn
Chantal Dorn
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