Animal shelter sounds the alarm

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05.04.2024 08:51

TierQuarTier Vienna is sounding the alarm: several times in the last few days rabbits have not only been simply abandoned in Vienna, but literally "disposed of". This is a criminal offense. TierQuarTier Vienna is appealing for information in the search for the perpetrators.

The cute "Easter bunnies" were highly coveted by young and old just a moment ago. Although the Easter weekend is only just over, a worrying trend is already emerging: rabbits that are simply "disposed of" like garbage. In recent days, several tragic cases have been reported in which the Vienna Animal Rescue Service has rushed to the rescue, TierQuarTier Vienna reported with concern in a press release on Friday.

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The incidents of the last few days have shocked us deeply.

Bernadette Altrichter, Tierheimleitung TierQuarTier

"The incidents of the last few days have shocked us deeply. Keeping a rabbit is a great responsibility", says Bernadette Altrichter, head of the TierQuarTier animal shelter.

In Landstraße, animals were found in a taped-up box. (Bild: TierQuarTier Wien)
In Landstraße, animals were found in a taped-up box.
In Donaustadt, rabbits were found whose claw length indicated that they had been neglected for months. (Bild: TierQuarTier Wien)
In Donaustadt, rabbits were found whose claw length indicated that they had been neglected for months.

Animals neglected for a long time
In Vienna-Landstraße, for example, rabbits aged two were discovered in a closed plastic box in a stairwell. The box had only a few air holes and was sealed with adhesive tape. There was another shocking discovery in Vienna-Donaustadt: a box containing two rabbits with shockingly long claws was found in a garbage room - an indication of neglect over a long period of time.

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These tragic events illustrate the cruelty suffered by animals when they are thoughtlessly acquired and then irresponsibly disposed of.

TierQuarTier Wien

Fines of up to 7500 euros
These are just some of the cases cited by the animal shelter. The pets are now safe at TierQuarTier, where they are being cared for and nursed back to health.

The animal shelter therefore appeals once again: "These tragic events illustrate the cruelty that animals suffer when they are thoughtlessly acquired and then irresponsibly disposed of."

Apart from the fact that the abandonment of living creatures is unjust and cruel, it is also illegal, with fines of up to 7500 euros. This is also being investigated: Anyone who can provide relevant information about the animals (see right) or the circumstances described is asked to call 01/4000 80 60.

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