AK comparison

Up to 146% price difference when changing tires

03.04.2024 10:42

The winter tire obligation ends on April 15. You should have summer tires fitted by then at the latest (if you are not driving on all-weather tires). The consumer advocates of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labor surveyed 42 tire dealers to find out how much this costs. The results showed price differences of up to 146 percent. Repositioning and balancing are available for as little as 40 euros.

The prices for the 215/55R17 tire dimension were surveyed. The consumer advocates asked for the individual prices or the package price for the services of repositioning, balancing, washing and storage up to the winter season.

The Chamber of Labor complains that it is difficult for consumers to compare prices due to the many different factors involved. Size and/or dimensions and whether the wheels are mounted on steel or aluminum rims play a role here. Wheel washing is also not possible in every business. The storage of tires is also not offered everywhere.

It's worth comparing:
The prices for the complete package - repositioning, balancing, washing and storage until the winter season - are between 78 and 150.70 euros (for aluminum rims). Only repositioning and balancing costs between 40 and 98.40 euros.

The cheapest price for changing four wheels including balancing is offered by the company Reifen Hieke for 40 euros. Compared to the most expensive offer at 98.40 euros, this results in a price difference of 58.40 euros or 146 percent.

The package "All wheels repositioned and balanced (on aluminum rims) plus washing and storing the winter tires" is the cheapest at 78 euros from the company KFZ Reitbauer. At the most expensive provider, the same service costs 150.70 euros or 93 percent more.

Tips from the consumer advocates
It is best to ask in advance about the price and what is included: whether steel or aluminum rims, which tire dimension, repositioning, balancing, washing, storage. Package prices are cheaper, but you may not need all the services. And: Making an appointment in good time saves waiting times.

By the way: continuing to drive on winter tires is not a good idea. When it's warm, they have a longer braking distance than summer tires. The warmer, the longer. In general, they no longer grip the road as well. It may be financially attractive to "downgrade" old winter tires, but in the event of an accident you will definitely pay for it.

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