Boxing match against Halmich

Stefan Raab: mega comeback or April Fool’s joke?

01.04.2024 12:42

Stefan Raab missed his goal of gaining nine million followers within three days by a few million. But on Monday, the entertainer still got in touch with his fans on Instagram - with an announcement. However, he did not reveal whether he was serious about his comeback or whether it was just an April Fool's joke.

On Easter Monday, it was official: Stefan Raab missed his follower target of nine million by 2.8 million. Nevertheless, the former "TV Total" presenter did not miss the opportunity to post another video.

"There's still a score to settle"
Once again, it is Raab's show intern Elton who has made his way to his former boss in a boat. As in the first clip, which was published on Good Friday, he is still sitting on a lonely mountain lake fishing.

"Stefan, unfortunately it didn't quite work out with the 9 million followers, but we're close," explains Elton optimistically. "Close is also over, Elton. I'm not doing anything anymore," counters Raab.

"Yes, but there's still a score to settle," Elton continues. Raab then wants to know what it is. "Regina Halmich!", Elton rejoices.

Raab has a "big" surprise in store
"I've already beaten her up twice," waves Raab off, but Elton corrects: "She's already beaten you up twice." The entertainer then wants to know whether Halmich is free on September 14 and Elton rings straight through, asking Halmich - supposedly - about the date and whether she wants to "give Raab another good thrashing". Yes, she does!

"You'd better come or I'll come and get you," Elton threatens - and adds: "But seriously, you can't show your face like that. Look what you look like!" A bit of training is needed before the fight.

And then the big surprise for the fans: at the end, Raab can actually be seen from the front for the first time - with a few (faked) extra kilos on his ribs and a baseball cap on his head with the inscription "NWSDWH".

However, Elton and Stefan Raab did not reveal what this meant. According to the German newspaper "Bild", Raab's production company "Raab Entertainment" protected this sequence of letters under trademark law on March 21, 2024.

Fans are puzzled: April Fool's joke, or not?
Just as they don't know whether the resolution is actually a comeback for the entertainer or just an April Fool's joke. According to the final video sequence, tickets for the "Final Fight" between Raab and Halmich will be on sale from April 2, 3 pm.

The fans also seem rather perplexed by the new clip. In the comments, people are now guessing whether it could be a cheeky joke or not.

Even celebrities are puzzling over it. Evelyn Burdecki announced: "If THE fight comes, I'll do the number girl!!!" And Katja Krasavice even promised "lifelong free access to my OnlyFans" if Raab actually gets into the ring against Halmich.

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