Group opponents at EURO

Poland legend: “No chance against Austria”

28.03.2024 06:54

Ex-legionnaire Radosław Gilewicz sees many areas of improvement in Poland's team, even after having punched his EURO ticket. He is impressed by the ÖFB selection ...

The thriller also tugged at Radosław Gilewicz's nerves: "I couldn't sit down any more, I was just going back and forth, from one corner to the other," said the former Bundesliga goalscorer, describing his emotional state during the play-off shoot-out between Wales and Poland. Which the latter won 5:4: "I knew Szczęsny in goal would hold one with his class. And that's how it was."

The Poles are Austria's third group opponents at the EURO: Gilewicz, who celebrated a total of four championship titles with Austria Vienna and FC Tirol, is gloomy: "From today's perspective, we don't stand a chance against you. In the 2020 European Championship qualifiers, we came top of our group ahead of Austria, but now the tables have turned."

Advantages for red-white-red
Because Austria stands for continuity ("A good 80% of your squad hasn't changed since then, you've developed really well"), while Poland stands for unrest: "We've had five changes of coach in that time with lots of changes in the player sector, and compared to you, we also lack mental strength and stability." This was clearly evident in the European Championship qualifiers, when they lost 3-2 to Moldova after leading 2-0.

However, the ten-time Polish team player also emphasizes: "There are 2.5 months left. Team boss Probierz has formed the team into a unit again." Take Robert Lewandowski, for example: "He didn't score in the play-off semi-final against Estonia and didn't even get a chance against Wales. But he worked hard and put himself at the service of the team. That's also a good sign."

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