Safety campaign

Fitness check for senior citizens behind the wheel

25.03.2024 11:00

Because the demands of road traffic are becoming increasingly complex, there are now special events for older people in cooperation with driving schools and the ÖAMTC. Voluntary driving training is also offered.

Debates about driving in old age are usually extremely polarizing. Most recently, a five-year validity limit on driving licenses for older drivers was even considered at EU level. Although the plans for mandatory driving fitness tests have been shelved for the time being, the ÖAMTC, the Seniors' Association and the Easy Drivers driving school are taking a completely different approach. Particularly informative ones.

Many depend on a driving license
The kick-off for several such events took place in Gastern in the district of Waidhofen an der Thaya. The location was not chosen at random: "Especially in rural areas, many senior citizens are dependent on a driving license," says driving school operator Martin Zarazik.

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It is not so much senior citizens as drivers who are the problem, but road traffic in general is becoming increasingly complex. Voluntary further training is therefore very important.

Walter Harm und Werner Fichtinger, Easy Drivers

To ensure that they continue to be safe on the road, they were given the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge of the old and new requirements on the road. "Cars are becoming more and more complicated to operate and traffic has increased massively," say Easy Drivers bosses Walter Harm and Werner Fichtinger. However, it is not so much the older drivers who are the problem. "The overall road traffic system is becoming increasingly complex. Driving fitness checks are therefore of great importance," say the two.

In addition to a lot of theory, the participants were able to take a seat behind the wheel themselves in the course of driving safety training. "The 100 or so participants were very interested. There is definitely a demand for such events," says a delighted Zarazik.

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