Salzburg election

Despite defeat: applause from the Styrian KPÖ

24.03.2024 17:22

She supported KPÖPlus candidate Kay Dankl during house calls in Salzburg and also went to the city of Mozart on Sunday to keep her fingers crossed. Although SPÖ candidate Bernhard Auinger ultimately came out on top, she is delighted: "From lone fighter in the local council to deputy mayor, that is a sensational success."

Before the big election, Elke Kahr visited the city of Mozart and provided communist campaign support. The program included house visits, where the mayor of the Mur metropolis also got an idea of the housing situation outside Graz. On Sunday, she drove back across the Styrian border to Salzburg in her own car, where the KPÖ leader kept her fingers crossed for the dark red hero Kay Dankl.

Claudia Klimt-Weithaler and Elke Kahr (Bild: Christian Jauschowetz)
Claudia Klimt-Weithaler and Elke Kahr

Although Bernhard Auinger ultimately won the race for the mayor's seat by a clear margin, Kahr was delighted: "I also felt the support myself in Salzburg: from a lone fighter in the local council to deputy mayor, that is a sensational success. Now Kay can tackle important improvements in the next few years as City Councillor for Housing."

The head of the SPÖ in Graz, Doris Kampus. (Bild: Christian Jauschowetz)
The head of the SPÖ in Graz, Doris Kampus.

"The fact that the KPÖ has been so strengthened in Salzburg and that Kay-Michael Dankl has even made it into today's run-off election gives us a lot of momentum for this election year," adds Styrian KPÖ parliamentary group leader Claudia Klimt-Weithaler.

"The SPÖ will also win elections again in Graz"
Doris Kampus, SPÖ State Councillor for Social Affairs, who is also head of the red party in Graz, congratulates Bernhard Auinger "warmly" on his clear victory: "This result shows that you can win elections with good social democratic policies." Auinger had focused on the right issues and demonstrated perseverance. "This is encouraging for Graz - the SPÖ will win elections here too!"

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