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Allergy sufferers groan under increased pollen load

22.03.2024 10:18

The pollen count is currently increasing - ash and birch in particular are currently causing problems for allergy sufferers. The pollen season generally starts earlier, lasts longer and is more intense. In short: we are in for a "rollercoaster of stress".

In February, high temperatures and increased allergy symptoms were already causing problems. Snowdrops, hazel bushes and apricots in particular bloomed early, even 18 days earlier than the average for the period from 1991 to 2020.

"Not an event of the century"
However, this is by no means a record - in the last two years, flowering began even earlier. Helfried Scheifinger from Geosphere Austria points to massive annual fluctuations. Overall, this year's start of flowering of the hazel ranks seventh if you look at the past 79 years. It is therefore not a "once-in-a-century event".

The high temperatures also affect the pollen season. The simultaneous full bloom of hazel and alder at the beginning of February has increased the burden on allergy sufferers.

Early bloomers "add up temperature values"
Even if there were no major shifts for some early bloomers, as January was rather cold compared to the previous year. Early bloomers would add up the temperature values and begin to bloom when a certain threshold was exceeded. It is to be expected that with increasingly warm temperatures, especially at the beginning of the year, the early bloomers will flower earlier and earlier.

Season starts earlier and is more intense
It's a simple calculation: due to climatic changes, the flowering of allergologically significant plants starts earlier and earlier, ends later and in some cases becomes more intense. You can find an overview at polleninformation.at.

"Rollercoaster of stresses"
"The pollen season so far has been a rollercoaster of stresses," says Markus Berger, Head of the Pollen Information Service. "The hazel began to bloom at the end of January/beginning of February, followed by the alder, which continued to dust until the beginning of March. The alder pollen season was average, but there were exceptionally high pollen peaks followed by low pollen counts." The ash had a record-breaking early start. "Due to the mild temperatures, we also expect birch to start early."

The flowering of the grasses follows in March and is expected to be as strong as last year. Mugwort and ragweed bloom from late summer into the fall and bring the pollen season to a close - just before the purple alder disturbs the peace of Christmas in December.

How is a pollen allergy treated?

The most common symptoms of a pollen allergy are a runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, sneezing and coughing. In some cases, the allergy can also lead to sleep disorders, headaches, fatigue or allergic asthma. Pollen allergies are usually treated with antihistamines, nasal sprays and eye drops. In severe cases, desensitization can also be carried out. Allergies should be clarified by a doctor.

Why air pollution prolongs the pollen season
The fact that the pollen season lasts longer is not only due to global warming but also to air pollution: more sunny days also means more ozone in the air. According to a study, allergy sufferers in Vienna react more strongly when ozone concentrations are high.

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